viernes, 20 de mayo de 2005

Good Old Times

Today I was shocked. Browsing my file systems I have found an old Fred Fish disk collection. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you have probably never used an Amiga. If you have no idea of what an Amiga is, go and check here.

Anyway, the Fred Fish disk collection is probably one of the biggest public domain software collection for the Amiga computer. I remember ordering some disks directly from Fred and spending endless hours with the software on them.

Browsing them I found the Moria game on disk #194. It's a single player dungeon simulation. Moria was originally created by Robert Alan Koeneke for a VAX 780 (a supermini computer) and later ported to the Amiga.

I was not hooked to Moria or dungeon games, but I was really hooked to the Amiga. Now in 2005, I cannot believe we are now 18 years ahead of 1987 when I got my first Amiga. I remember many names from those days (in no particular order), Steve Tibbett, Rob Peck, R.J. Mical, Andy Finkel, Allen Hastings, Dave Haynie, Jay Miner, Eric Schwartz and many more. Congratulations to all of them for making the Amiga computer and supporting it.

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